Episode 445

September 02, 2024


The Four Wards Podcast - Episode 445: An Only Slightly Off-the-Rails Patch Episode

Hosted by

Jax Omen Freeeshooter CrushU Pillohpet Mikeofmanynames
The Four Wards Podcast - Episode 445: An Only Slightly Off-the-Rails Patch Episode
The Four Wards Podcast
The Four Wards Podcast - Episode 445: An Only Slightly Off-the-Rails Patch Episode

Sep 02 2024 | 00:46:01


Show Notes

This week, Jax, MikeofManyNames, and Pillohpet talk about patch 14.17! They would have then answered some listener questions, but we didn't get any!

Keep those questions coming to [email protected] so we can answer them on the show! We NEED more questions! WE'RE OUT!!!



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Episode Transcript

[00:00:04] Speaker A: Welcome to the four Wards podcast. Hey, what's up? It's Eric Brah, voice of Draven, Jerks, and Velcaz. And you're listening to the Forwards podcast, here to help you move forward and lead. [00:00:35] Speaker B: Hello and welcome to episode 445 of the four Wards podcast. I'm your host, as usual. I'm Jack Soman, and I've got with me two other wards to help you move forward in League of Legends. Mike of many names is here. [00:00:49] Speaker C: How you guys doing? [00:00:51] Speaker B: And we've got pillow pet. [00:00:53] Speaker A: Hello. [00:00:55] Speaker B: All right, guys, we are, of course we are the four Wards podcast. And we can be found at the the dash four Dash Wards dash podcast dot castos.com. the link is in the episode description, but I felt like actually saying it on at least one of these, because why not? Some of us stream on Twitch. I can be found at Twitch TV Jackson, where there's been a lot of super Metroid map randomizer lately. Pillowpet can be found at Twitch tv pillowpet. And Mike still doesn't stream, as far as I know. [00:01:26] Speaker C: Not yet, listeners. [00:01:28] Speaker B: Right in. Bully him to stream. Alright, shoutout to codex ninja, our very own pillow pet, and robogon for supporting us at the shoutout tier. Thank you, guys. Without you, we could not pay for hosting this darn show so greatly. Appreciate it. You guys make the show possible. Now, if you want to get shouted out or just want to support us in general, head on over to patreon.com. theforewordspodcast $1 a month just tells us that you love us. $5 a month will get you an exclusive feed and some behind the scenes audio of our prep work before each show. $10 a month will get you that exclusive feed and the shout out at the top of each episode like you just heard, and there's other benefits that may come up as appropriate. We haven't decided on everything yet, but the patrons know what I'm talking about because I've teased it for them. Last but not least, listeners, it's time for me to go into dad Jack's for a moment. I am disappointed we did not get a single new listener question this past week. Not a one. How are we supposed to answer your questions if you don't send us your questions? So send us your questions to theforwordspodcastmail.com so that we can answer them on the show. [00:02:54] Speaker C: Dejax is not mad. He's just disappointed. [00:02:58] Speaker B: All right, so our topic for tonight, it is a patch week, so thankfully, even though you guys didn't send in any questions, we have something to talk about. Patch 1417 is here, and there's a lot of small changes. Guys, most of this patch is just little tweaks. But since none of you wrote in any questions, we're gonna talk about the little tweaks. That's what you get. That's your punishment. You get to hear us talk about things like Ryze gained five base damage on his q and his realm warp got a cooldown reduction mostly at ranks one and two. [00:03:37] Speaker C: Ezreal's only change is he lost two base ad. [00:03:42] Speaker B: Yep. So those are the kinds of changes you're gonna get today. There's a few more, more substantial ones. Pillow, you got really excited when you read this one. So I'm gonna have you talk about your buff that's in your list first. [00:04:01] Speaker A: Which one? [00:04:03] Speaker B: You have one buff and two nerfs in your list. [00:04:05] Speaker A: There we go. The varus buff. I'm assuming that's the one you mean. [00:04:11] Speaker B: Yes. [00:04:12] Speaker C: It's a good buff. [00:04:14] Speaker A: It is a really good buff. So varus, I misread it at first, so I thought it was a huge buff, but. So his max damage was 15, scaling up to 235 with total ad percentage being from 125 up to 145%. Now his max damage is 90. Scaling up to 370. Now going off of bonus Ad at 150 up to 190. His minimum damage is unchanged, still at two thirds of the maximum damage. So I know Jax did a little bit of the math on that and it kind of looks like it's almost net even. Right? [00:05:02] Speaker C: It's a little bit of a buff. You getting like a little damage? [00:05:07] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:05:07] Speaker A: So you'll probably notice it level one, but past that you'll probably start to not. [00:05:14] Speaker B: So it's one of those weird things where if ad from items and runes wasn't a thing, this would be a one day or two damage nerfenk at level one because that's where his base ad works out to. But because you're getting ad from your runes, you're getting ad from your Doran's blade, typically as your starting item. And those are bonus ad. This is a mild buff early, like 30 damage. Actually, it's not that much. [00:05:46] Speaker C: Well, you said it was around 90. It should be around 125. [00:05:51] Speaker B: But the other, the old one would have been pretty close because it was total ad. So it's a net buff of like five or six damage at level one. Still a buff. We take it. [00:06:04] Speaker A: Yeah, it's probably. I feel like gonna push him a little bit more towards away from his on hit builds. And probably move him a lot more towards his lethality builds and bring that back. [00:06:16] Speaker C: I think. I disagree a little there. I don't think it'll push him away from it. I think they're going to just be both perfectly acceptable. You're going to use whichever one's easier. They haven't changed him since they buffed his on hit. [00:06:28] Speaker B: While true, I think the only time you ever go on hit with these changes is if the enemy team is very tanky and you have a frontline that will enable you to actually apply your damages on hit the rest of time. Lethality is just going to be better now. [00:06:42] Speaker A: He's definitely going to benefit from building one of the more of the ad routes because of how substantial the percentage will end up being at the end of the game. [00:06:54] Speaker C: I feel like this may just open up the crit builds as well again, instead of going on hit two because now you can actually get both. You don't scale with critical. [00:07:05] Speaker B: I don't think so. I think this pushes him heavily into lethality. Let me put this into context. A max rank q gains like 100 damage from like a yo moose. Like that's insane amount of damage boost from a single item on a one hit ability that just blows people up. [00:07:30] Speaker A: Also, his e got a little buff. His damage is. Looks like it's untouched across the board. But his bonus ad percentage went from 90% to 110% 20%. Buff is pretty decent on ability that he casts quite a bit. [00:07:48] Speaker C: You get just shy of 150 with an eye edge. [00:07:54] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:07:58] Speaker C: I mean, it's mostly a small little numbers thing. It's a good thing because it gives you more options. [00:08:09] Speaker A: Yeah. He'll definitely be able to pick more build paths. He won't be. You won't feel locked in to having to go the traditional on hit build with him. You can. [00:08:21] Speaker C: I think this brings him up to one of the premier ad carries right now. [00:08:25] Speaker B: I think so. I think he's literally the best ad carry on the patch. He's already with the changes to an overtuned sometimes Zadie, Carrie, Mike, it's your turn. [00:08:38] Speaker C: Right, so I guess we're gonna be talking about kindred a little bit here. [00:08:41] Speaker B: Okay. I was teasing towards the other one, but we'll take it. [00:08:45] Speaker C: Oh, no. Yeah, that one's. That one's a little bit of a negative. And we'll get to there later. We'll talk about buffs first. [00:08:50] Speaker B: Okay. [00:08:51] Speaker C: The sometimes ad carry cause kindred is mostly a jungler, but she can occasionally. Don't do it. [00:08:57] Speaker B: Don't do ADC, please. [00:09:00] Speaker C: She also just got nothing but buffs here. Her q got an attack speed buff from 30% to 35%. And her e got a nice little base damage bump from the scaling 80 to 160. Now 80 to 200 went from bonus 80% ad to 100% bonus ad. And it got a cooldown reduction scaling at the later levels of it. So 14 to ten went from 14 to eight. That's a good chunk of buffs for her. And that's if we're, if we're in the stage where quick farming and fighting junglers is up. Oh, boy, can she mess with the best of them. [00:09:41] Speaker B: Kindred skirmisher. [00:09:43] Speaker A: Kindred already does a ton of damage like before. Like, if she knows what she's doing. Like a kindred can just delete someone, her kit. So this is gonna make her pretty scary if I. If I think, uh, the way it's gonna go. I've seen her in a few games now, and I've seen a few pentakills in a few games now with a kindred. And it's. It's gonna be terrifying. [00:10:09] Speaker C: So they're. The riot's claim is that this is in response to the Kraken slayer nerfs from a couple patches ago. And that was pretty much her core item. Her start getting that and having no changes on her, this is pretty damn good for her. I think if we're in a scenario where you are a person who plays kindred, slam her, she's gonna be powerful for a little while. [00:10:34] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. [00:10:36] Speaker C: Unless of course you're someone who spends the other sometimes ad carry jungler Jax. [00:10:43] Speaker B: Sure. That's as good a segue as any. I'm mad because Graves is in the patch and he got a buff. I hate this fucking champion so goddamn much. Thankfully, the buff is to his least reliable burst damage. But they buffed his q. First of all, they took 1 second off the cooldown at max rank and then they buffed the base damage by 20. If he lands like a shot into a wall on you when you're cc'd by someone else, he's just going to. [00:11:23] Speaker C: Blow your ass up at later ranks. It's not a 20 across the board, it's just 20 at end ranks. [00:11:29] Speaker B: Yes, but this is also his first max. [00:11:33] Speaker C: Oh yeah. [00:11:34] Speaker B: So his clear speed goes up from this significantly, his ability to just burst you, which is what annoys me the most about him, goes up. I hate it. I don't like how assassin y Graves is for a bruiser champion, which is what he's supposed to be all right. I've done soakboxing about Graves. Why don't you take it away with one of your changes? [00:12:05] Speaker C: Shall we keep it in the line? I can keep the ADC train going and we'll talk about the not so good buffs. We got some. Some nerfs that are desperately needed for Senna. And yes, they are pretty much entirely based around how people have just switched from going lethality to AP Senna for the most part, instead of going full enchanter. And, um, they're hitting that. They're hitting it a decent chunk. So her Qemena is losing by Max rank 20 ad, and it's losing 20% of its ap ratio. It's a good nerf and it needs to happen. And then her dawning shadow, her r, is losing 20% of its AP ratio as well. This should hopefully tune her down from those. I'm gonna be building AP and actually just getting like a nashers and putting it in there. Cause that was actually coming out. And they should hopefully bring her back into the no go support. [00:13:10] Speaker B: You say go support, but it's more like go black cleaver. Black Cleaver is fucking perfect for her. And with these changes, the AP enchanter items are less stupid strong on her. [00:13:26] Speaker C: With the changes they made to black Cleaver and her, it is now probably her best item because you can, from a very long range, shred a good amount of armor across multiple people. [00:13:42] Speaker B: Yup. It also has a ton of ability haste, so you can spam your abilities more often. A decent chunk of ad and some healths. You're harder to assassinate. It's literally everything Senna could ever want in a single item. Alright, I'm gonna talk about a champion that I do not think needed buffs at all. But I'm happy she's getting them because, yeah, Lissandra got some buffs, and I've been playing a decent amount of Lissandra lately. I don't think she needs these at all. Like, you just go malignant and you blow people up and you do it every minute and it's dumb. But what they've buffed. They buffed the base damage on her Q, her first max by 20. At max rank, it's the same at rank one, and then scales up 510 15, and then 20 more damage per rank afterwards. They also buffed the slow on rank one and two of her ults. But that only applies to the people that aren't the target of your ult. So the slow buff is negligible. The base damage on Q is noticeable. Like, that is enough that Q will more reliably clear casters on a single Q. That is enough that her trading pattern is a lot better. Like, that is a huge buff to Lissandra. Her q is very spammable. [00:15:04] Speaker C: It's on like a three and a half second cooldown by Max Frank, isn't it? [00:15:08] Speaker B: Something like that? I don't remember exactly. Cause again, you rushed to malignants and then you have a ton of ability haste. Yeah, it's a four second cooldown at Max rank. So, yeah, I don't think she needed this buff at all. But as someone who enjoys playing her imma use it. All right, pillow pet, talk to us about something. [00:15:38] Speaker A: So I got. I'm interested to talk about the brand kind of nerf, but specifically just got a nerf in the jungle. So brand, since the new item came out, the. The burn item. Trying to remember what it is off the top of my head. [00:15:55] Speaker B: Faded ashes. [00:15:56] Speaker A: Yes, faded ashes. So since that items came out, brand has been extremely strong in the jungle because it's a great passive. Not just brand. A lot of jungles that do a lot of aoe damage. AP damage have been strong. But brand specifically can clear camps at level three. Like, he's a late game champion. So what they're doing is they're putting a cap on his burn. On his passive to 30 damage per second to monsters. They can no longer do any more than that per second. And the explosion now has a captain goes from 250 to 475. And that's levels 1611 and 16. This is. He needs it. He needs it. This is gonna hurt him pretty early in the jungle because that his burn damage is just that strong when he gets the couple items or even one item in. So it's gonna slow him down a little bit. You won't probably be able to notice it much late game. I mean, you still will. The 30 damage cap for sure is going to make it noticeable, but you're still going to clear camps extremely quick. But, yeah, I think it was definitely a needed nerf. What do you think? [00:17:13] Speaker B: What makes me sad about this nerf is that the explosion is capped against all monsters, not just non epic monsters. Brand explosion is not something you can just snap like used to steal. It's like a delayed effect. So it being able to hit epic monsters hard feels good. He already was kind of shit at taking dragon or baron because he's so squishy, he has to have someone tank it. Now he's just also gonna be mediocre at actually taking it. Quickly. Regardless of that. [00:17:46] Speaker C: However, this is a huge thing as he is the single fastest person in the game at taking grubs. He can obliterate them currently. This is a huge damage nerf to those. You'd hit one of them with all these, they'd be bouncing that burn back and forth. The explosion was massive. [00:18:07] Speaker B: I actually don't think it affects them that much because their health is not that high. [00:18:13] Speaker C: No, but the burn cap also does. [00:18:15] Speaker B: The burn cap matters, but I don't think they're affected by the explosion cap much because they don't have a ton of health. So you weren't getting a massive pop. [00:18:23] Speaker C: On them in comparison to Herald and dragon. Yeah, it's not as high, but no. [00:18:27] Speaker A: By chance, I don't know if either of you looked it up, how much Ap he needed to even get to 30 damage per second on his burn. [00:18:37] Speaker B: So it's not AP. He scales with health. [00:18:41] Speaker A: Okay, okay, I got you, I got you. [00:18:44] Speaker B: He actually has one of the worst scaling with aphdeme mages in the entire game. His ap ratios suck. [00:18:51] Speaker A: So. Yeah. [00:18:52] Speaker C: His passive is your max health damage. It's not a scaling with his ratio. [00:18:57] Speaker A: They're doing their best. Push him. I feel like out of every lane possible because they keep nerfing him in everything. I understand that his, his passive is very strong in the jungle, but so are many other champions. So I don't quite understand the, the need for like late game nerfs as far. Like he's losing a lot of his jungle identity. Like you were mentioning with this past. [00:19:25] Speaker C: It was about 6000 health needed to hit that 30. So I mean it's an immediate nerf to every epic monster, every, everything there. And then it. After your first clear, it's pretty much every single one of the large monsters. Your uh, your buffs. [00:19:45] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:19:47] Speaker A: So we'll see where this puts him. Um, it's probably gonna take him out of the jungle quite a bit because there's just better options now on speed. But Brand regardless will always bring the utility of his are to team fight. It's like a mouth fight. There's always that utility. He's still going to do a lot. [00:20:10] Speaker C: Of damage as a reason he's still a support. He's just so good at one, two, c and explosion. [00:20:21] Speaker B: Yup. Alright. I'm gonna talk about a champion that I also didn't think needed a buff. But I'm happy about the way they targeted the buff this time. Twisted fate has been in the patch notes a lot this season. Thankfully, this time it's not more tweaks to try to make ad more or less viable. It's just a buff to a P T F. They are buffing the base damage on his Q in pretty much the exact same way that Lissandra got a buff. No buff at rank. One up to 20 base damage at max rank. And again, this is the first max for Aphdeme. This buff is enough that it should feel a lot better clearing casters. Clearing, honestly, in his case, like being able to red card Q and wipe the entire wave. I like it. This AP twisted fate needed the buff on the Q specifically because that is the skillshot part. [00:21:23] Speaker C: Yeah, it's a good buff. It's nice, simple, quick, clean. That's what most. Pretty much. If we have. If there are other champions that you haven't checked out here, 90% of the buffs and nerfs are going to be either minor damage at max ranked because almost nothing has been done across the board or some AP or ad ratios. There's a couple of base numbers tweaks, but overall, there's not a lot to talk about this patch because there's a lot of very minimal tweaks as we move towards the world finals. The world's tournament, not just finals. [00:22:05] Speaker B: All right, well, you want to talk about another mild tweak, then? [00:22:10] Speaker A: Yeah, yeah, go ahead. [00:22:12] Speaker C: No, no, go right ahead. I've been talking a lot more than you have, so. [00:22:15] Speaker A: Yeah, a small, small tweak, but it is meaningful. Fleet footworks getting a nerfenk. Um, it's going. He has 20% movement speed for one in .25 seconds. And that's getting nerfed down to 15% movement speed for 1 second. And the heal is five to 120 based on your level. Is getting nerfed to five to 100 based on your level. It might not seem like a lot when you're looking at it, but when you're playing with it, it will be end up being a lot for as much as it's up. Uh, this is going to knock sustain down, uh, in lane quite a bit for those champions that run it. And what they're. I feel like this is trying to incentivize and go back to it. I think they even talk about it. They're trying to bring back PvP in lanes and get away from the PvE aspect. They're trying to make it to where you have to interact with your lane opponent. And with fleet footwork, you could just sit back and play safe. So they're just trying to get rid of that mindset. I see this a lot in top lane, so I'm kind of excited to see it going away at the same time because I get really tired of ADC's or lane top laner arranged. Top laners just going fleet footwork and are just constantly safe with the movement, speed, and the heel. So this will just leave more windows for top laners to abuse those range top laners that have been abusing you. [00:23:52] Speaker B: Unfortunately, I don't think this change actually does anything for the cases of abuse like that. If they outrange you 15% for 1 second is still enough for them to auto and run away. Same problem is going to happen in bot lane when, like, Caitlyn takes fleet footwork against a shorter range ad carry. She's just going to be able to auto and walk away constantly and there's nothing, nothing their opponent can do about it. That's my complaint, is, like, I don't know why this room needs to still exist. It's abusive when it's good and it's shit otherwise. [00:24:29] Speaker A: Yeah, maybe I'm just being hopeful. There probably is some still. Some, like you said, that probably either just need to get rid of it or give it a different identity because it doesn't like, other than like, its identity is what they're trying to get away from. So I feel like they need to rework that whole room. [00:24:52] Speaker B: Like you said, just make it a three hit rune, like electrocute and whatever the blue run speed one is called. [00:25:03] Speaker C: Phase rush. [00:25:04] Speaker A: Yes. [00:25:04] Speaker B: Phase rush. Yes. It should hits on a champion, and then you get a burst of movement speed, and a heal. [00:25:11] Speaker C: If you. If you want to make it distinct, you can do it as two attacks instead of none. But having it just be the single attack makes it so exploitable. [00:25:19] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:25:21] Speaker A: It's just such a good run to run, like for those champions that do run, like energized passive items, because I don't. Is it still work? The more energized items you have, the faster the passive builds up. [00:25:34] Speaker B: That's still no, because there's only one energized item left. For the most part. There's two, technically, but one is a lethality item. [00:25:42] Speaker A: Aren't there three rapid fires, one rapid. [00:25:46] Speaker B: Fire, and whatever the voltaic is called. [00:25:50] Speaker A: That's right. Static shiv isn't. [00:25:51] Speaker C: They took away from that shift. Yeah. [00:25:53] Speaker B: Shiv is not energized anymore. [00:25:55] Speaker C: Voltaic cyclo sword is, I think, the one we're thinking of. [00:25:58] Speaker B: Yes. I just couldn't remember the name. It's a dumb name, but yeah, it's a long time ago. Rapid fire cannon also had a passive that made it so it energized. Effects charged 25% faster, which is what you were thinking of. That has not been the case for a long time. [00:26:16] Speaker C: Thought that was Stormrazor. [00:26:18] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Stormrazor was another one. But yeah, they got rid of that. [00:26:21] Speaker C: That's gone. [00:26:24] Speaker A: Yeah. The days of running energizer. Teemo. Energizer, buddy. Teemo top lane are gone. [00:26:30] Speaker B: Thanks. [00:26:31] Speaker C: Energizer gin. Get three of them, pop off a headshot, and run away. [00:26:37] Speaker B: All right, Mike, you got one more change left to highlight in your list. [00:26:41] Speaker C: This one, it's. It's a very meaningful one for the role that it is in. And it is a very simple change. Warmogs is costing a little more and giving you a little less move speed. It went from three, 3100 to 3300. And it went from ten bonus movespeed to five bonus movespeed. This is basically your rush on every single tank support in the game. And they really want you to not do that. Cause it's too strong on supports that way. It's absolutely probably not gonna change. But 200 gold as a nerf on a support is a big deal with the amount of roaming supports are doing. So unless you are getting kills, especially. [00:27:28] Speaker B: Since the previous change on it made it. So you need a ruby crystal on top of your support item and your warmogs to actually activate the warmogs. Or you need to have farmed enough minions with the green rune that gives you health for minions that have died near you. [00:27:44] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:27:45] Speaker B: So only two ways. [00:27:47] Speaker C: So this is. This is their. Their point of sight. And they're going, stop rushing. Warm walks, buy something else. This is. This is not economical for you to be rushing. And they're pretty much right. It shouldn't be your first rush. This should be your second item as attack support. Always go to this. [00:28:07] Speaker B: It should be locket into warmogs, honestly. And a lot of it should basically always be the correct choice for tank supports. [00:28:16] Speaker A: A lot of these changes that I've noticed. It's like a 5% increase or decrease to like, movement speed. That's a lot. [00:28:25] Speaker C: I think Zeke's is actually pretty premier. [00:28:27] Speaker A: Right now, too, because the percentage of movement speed is based off of what your solid movement speed is at. So like a boot gives you what, like 30 or something like that. So when you're talking in your movement speed when you get boots is usually what in the. So when you're talking 5%, you're losing. What is that? 20? Some movement speed. [00:28:54] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:28:55] Speaker B: Yep. [00:28:56] Speaker A: And like that's quite a bit. That's you're losing quite a bit. And so it's going to be a nerf, big nerfed. Especially like if you're a tank support running the symbiotic boots or the movement speed boots, like you're going to really notice and feel 5%. [00:29:16] Speaker C: It gave you too much for it, what it was. And they've consistently had to. This is the second time they've nerfed its gold cost. It used to be 2900. It needs to be this expensive for how strong they have made it. Warmongs is incredibly good if you can get out of a fight or if you're just facing a poke team. Warmogs is probably the best item in the game versus poke teams because it gets you the ability to just reset, walk away 15 seconds later your max health. [00:29:52] Speaker A: Again, I'm going to give you guys bad advice, listeners. I need you guys as supports to keep building warmogs so that they continue to nerf it so I can stop seeing it on top laners, please. [00:30:08] Speaker B: It's so strong. [00:30:11] Speaker A: There's nothing more frustrating than winning a trade and then like 5 seconds go by and now your opponent's full health. Again. There's nothing more frustrating than that. [00:30:21] Speaker C: The second they added move speed on this item, it became the best tank item in the game. [00:30:27] Speaker A: It's still. It's still strong. [00:30:30] Speaker C: The regen is so good. But giving it move speed as well was ridiculous. [00:30:35] Speaker A: Like as a top laner, if you can build this item, it is one of the best items you can get because it gives you everything you want. Especially if you don't have a resource like mana. Like you just never have to leave lane. You can just continuously stay healthy and never have to like forfeit a wave because of your health is too low or you took a bad trade. It makes everything you do so forgiving. [00:31:03] Speaker B: And then because it gives a cartoonish amount of health on its own, champions that scale with health like volibear are just a nightmare to deal with because they just get a ton of scaling from the item. [00:31:14] Speaker C: I think it's also like 3000 health. It's. [00:31:17] Speaker A: It's an am. It's ridiculous. It's sion, uh, Tom Kench, volibear set, sejuani. Any of these champions that are just inherently strong with high HP. It's such a good item. [00:31:32] Speaker C: I'm sorry, 1000, not 3000. That would have been ridiculous. [00:31:35] Speaker B: Yes. [00:31:36] Speaker A: You'll have the gold cost you would think of. [00:31:38] Speaker B: Yeah, you typically will. [00:31:40] Speaker A: It's just. It's such a strong item, and it frustrates me as I play dominantly fighters and not a lot of the fighters I use scale great with HP. So it's just. It's just. [00:31:53] Speaker B: And they keep nerfing Bork. [00:31:55] Speaker C: Yeah, yeah, they're. They're making tanks incredibly tanky and not giving other people the ability to take. [00:32:04] Speaker B: Them down, which I'm fine with that part. My problem is that they're also making tanks do fuck loads of damage at the same time. [00:32:12] Speaker A: So much damage. If you check your damage meters, your top laner is most likely a tank, or if he's a tank, is most likely gonna be topping your damage at the end of your game. [00:32:22] Speaker B: I have had so many games where I'm top damage as a fucking tank jungler, as a tank top laner. Just because warmogs in particular is such a strong one item spike that lets you fight constantly. [00:32:36] Speaker C: If you get warmogs and a heartsteel, almost any bruiser tank is going to be able to top the meters. And then you add on. What was that new item that allowed you to turn overlords? [00:32:47] Speaker B: Bloodmail overloads. [00:32:48] Speaker C: Bloodmail and then Titanic Hydra. You can be having 300 plus ADHD. [00:32:54] Speaker B: Described the doctor Mundo build. [00:32:57] Speaker A: Yeah, it is the and Mundo can. [00:32:59] Speaker C: Now just solo the backlines if no one stops him. I've seen it happen. [00:33:05] Speaker A: It's like, I know we're getting off topic here because we're talking about patches. [00:33:09] Speaker B: It's fine. The listeners didn't send us fucking questions, so we have time to go off topic. [00:33:14] Speaker A: Feel free to talk about how frustrating warmogs is because it just makes a. It just gives you the opportunity to go in and take trades that you normally never would. Because most people don't limit test, they just play back safe. But once you get a warmogs, it's like, all right, now I'm just going to go in. And it's just so frustrating because you can never win a trade with warmogs on the enemy. [00:33:42] Speaker B: My issue with warmogs is the same issue I have with the way life steal works mechanically. In League of Legends, both of them allow you to basically heal up on one wave, like that timing. Obviously, warmogs isn't healing you from the wave itself, but it's about the timing of one wave to heal up any amount of damage. [00:34:03] Speaker A: It turns everybody into a garen, and. [00:34:07] Speaker C: It turns garen, turns garen into mundo, and it turns mundo into. Oh, my God. [00:34:12] Speaker B: Yes. I would be so much happier if warmogs and lifesteal ramped up once the timer on warmogs was out. So, like Threshi, you enter combat, it falls off and then the timer is up. Okay, now you start healing, let's say 0.5% of your max health per second, and then 5 seconds pass. Now it can ramp up to 1 /second or whatever. Like, make it take 30 seconds to get to the healing level that it right now gives you the moment the cooldown is up so that it's good for, like, shattered queen kind of kind of just. Or sustain instead of for blocking damage up front. Because then it's incentivizes the, oh, I lost a trade, but I can go roam and, like, put down wards or go for a gank and I'll be healthy by the time that's done. But it removes the, oh, well, I'm just going to trade every wave and then I'll be full health for the next wave. [00:35:17] Speaker C: I think, as a personal feeling, what they really should be doing is trying to incentivize less of this. Just walk away and to change it into what it used to sort of be is something that massively increases your base health region. And that way, when you are starting to build these things, because 100% base health region is a good chunk, but it not that much. I get that out of a couple other items. Spirit of usage does that. What it should be doing is it should be accelerating what you have so that you don't want warmogs unless you are someone who's actually a healing champion, because that way, it's not giving you the bonuses. So having it be something that synergizes with spirit visage with, uh, old force of nature would probably be a better system than what it is right now. Because right now, it's. It is as much of a problem or more than the first iteration of sundered sky. [00:36:19] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:36:22] Speaker A: I'd like to see it be an in combat regenerate regeneration. [00:36:28] Speaker C: That could be great, but they need to make a lot of these things less. I walk away, I come back. I'm full. [00:36:36] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:36:37] Speaker C: Let that be Garren's identity. That's what he does. [00:36:40] Speaker B: That is what he does. All right. I'ma rant for a moment about something that was mentioned in the patch notes. This is not about a change. I think the change is good, but the numbers they gave the information behind the change has me very upset. So I'm gonna read this patch in its entirety. We discovered a bug in our lever detection, which resulted in some players not receiving the penalty that they should have received despite being identified as a lever at the end of the game. This in particular affected players who triggered remakes by leaving very early on in a game, meaning a lot of players werent getting the consequences they should have. This issue is now fixed and now whenever you see someone labeled lever, they will be correctly penalized due to this fix. We expect to issue about 200,000 more penalties for leaving per week. Let that sink in for a moment. Riot just said that they have at least 200,000 games that are remade due to a lever every week. Multiply that by nine people. It takes what, ten minutes to get through Q and champion select and the time to get to remake. Assuming that people load quickly, that's millions of people's minutes of people's lives being wasted every week because assholes leave games. [00:38:14] Speaker C: And the point there was that is just the amount that the bug fixed. That is nowhere near the total amount. [00:38:24] Speaker B: Yes, I am. I. I am shocked and appalled that the number is even vaguely that high. What the actual fuck is going on? That there are that many people just leaving games like that is psychotic. That is an endemic problem in the game. And I do not know how riot fixes it, but like, holy shit, that is a cartoonish amount of time being wasted due to assholes. I am so mad on learning that the number is that high. If you had asked me before reading this patch to guess how many games were remade of League of Legends in a week, I would have guessed maybe 10,000, which is still too high to be clear. But that's what I would have guessed. Cause again, that's remakes. This isn't your top laner. Go zero three in rage quits. This isn't your ad carry gets ganked, so he throws a tantrum in rage quits. This is remakes. These are the most avoidable leaves. What the fuck? If you have ever caused a game to be remade because you left and it was something under your control, it wasn't like you had a power outage or something. Shame on you. [00:39:49] Speaker C: To give you a little bit of perspective on this, that's 28 and a half thousand per day that they missed. [00:39:58] Speaker B: Yep. [00:40:01] Speaker C: It requires you to have what there's what, 30 million people total that they have playing per day, roughly. If you include the China numbers, as. [00:40:13] Speaker B: Best as we know of the China numbers, yes. [00:40:16] Speaker C: That's like 2% or 0.2% as of March 7. That's a huge amount. [00:40:24] Speaker A: As of March 7, nearly 20 million players are online every day, but still. So that makes the percent even higher. [00:40:32] Speaker B: Yeah, that makes it worse. That's so crazy. I am so upset. Like that patch note physically hurt me. I don't know how riot fixes that, but holy shit. [00:40:52] Speaker C: Well, hopefully it means the penalties will actually start getting more of the people because this is people who skipped the penalty. [00:40:59] Speaker B: God, I hope so. Alright, Mike, you had a trinket tip. Give the listeners your trinket tip, mkay? [00:41:10] Speaker C: So this is something that I've noticed relatively frequently as I'm someone who plays a lot of, specifically Leona in the botline when I'm doing it. I like having a little supporty tank. When you're taking down a ward, don't use your auto attack reset just every time to try and get the ward down as quick as possible. If you do, you don't have one of most likely your biggest abilities to be used. That is a stun that you want. It's really common to see this done with Renekton in top lane as well. Unless you are trying to take down a ward that you are not sweeping. So someone that you just saw put down a ward and you can auto queue. Reset. Auto. That's a good use of killing a ward. You're not going to be getting a reset on it unless you're actively going to be fighting. But if you're just walking out. Oh, I see a ward down there. I put down my pink ward. Let's clear that. No, that's. That's wasting your ability to actually have a combat impact. [00:42:22] Speaker B: Yeah, it's. You just have to be mindful of the cooldown. And how long after you kill the ward before you're going to need to use that ability? That's really it. [00:42:39] Speaker C: Yeah. Pretty simple, pretty sweet. [00:42:42] Speaker B: Alright now, listeners, I'm gonna remind you once again to send questions to the four wardspodcastmail.com. because we ain't got no questions. Normally this would be the part of the show where we answer the questions you guys write in since none of you wrote in any fucking questions. Yeah, that's right. I'm disappointed, dad. Jax, again, that's fine. I. It means we're going off the rails. I'm gonna recommend you some anime before we wrap this episode up. Now, I've actually tailored these. All of these are based on which services they are on. On the US. So if you're not in the US, please look up where to find these. I can't promise they'll be on the same services, but if Netflix is all you got for anime, unfortunately, I got no new recommendations for you. Netflix is a barren wasteland for new anime, but they have some really good shows on there, such as cyberpunk edgerunners. If you're looking for like, an adult action drama or Scott Pilgrim takes off. Yeah, that's right. Scott Pilgrim. The Scott Pilgrim anime is incredible. It's so good. So those are my recommendations. If you're looking for anime on Netflix. The rest of these are currently airing shows. If you have Hulu, believe it or not, Suicide Squad Isekai is good. Like legit good. If you ever wanted to watch anime Harley Quinn in a fantasy world, I don't know why you ever thought that would be a good idea, but it's actually good. Go watch it on Hulu. You have Amazon prime. My recommendation is real simple. It is the best new anime on Amazon prime. It is my dear friend Nokotan. Or Shikonoko Nokonoko Koshitan tan. If you want to go by the japanese title. [00:44:36] Speaker C: Holy shit. [00:44:41] Speaker B: Yeah, I had to say the japanese title because it's hilarious. This is the funniest comedy this season. It's great. And if you're an actual anime fan and you have crunchyroll, my recommendation is a show that people are fucking skipping, and I don't know why. It doesn't even have a dub. I don't care. It's incredible. It's called senpai is an otokonoko. This is a really good, like, coming of age drama, romance, anime. It's fucking good. It's got gorgeous animation, well written characters. Highly recommend. Okay with that? Since you guys didn't send in any questions, you don't get a Lucian top outro. I've been Jack Soman for Mike of many names and for pillow Pet. Have a great night. [00:45:31] Speaker A: Good night. [00:45:32] Speaker C: Goodbye. [00:45:37] Speaker A: Thanks for listening to the four Wards podcast. If you want to support the show directly, consider checking out our [email protected] the four Wards podcast, and of course, send your questions to theforwardspodcastmail.com so we can answer them live on the show. That's the four wardspodcastmail.com.

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