Episode 463

January 07, 2025


The Four Wards Podcast - Episode 463: And a Witchy New Year

Hosted by

Jax Omen Freeeshooter CrushU Pillohpet Mikeofmanynames
The Four Wards Podcast - Episode 463: And a Witchy New Year
The Four Wards Podcast
The Four Wards Podcast - Episode 463: And a Witchy New Year

Jan 07 2025 | 01:06:50


Show Notes

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This week, Jax, Witchatblakmass, and MikeofManyNames talk about goals and learning for 2025, then they answer a few listener questions!

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:04] Speaker A: Welcome to the Four Wards Podcast. Hey, what's up? It's Eric Bra, voice of Draven Jerks and Velkoz and you're listening to the Four Wards Podcast here to help you move forward in League. Hello and welcome to episode 463 of the Four Wards podcast. I'm your host as usual. I'm Jack Soman and I've got with me two other wards to help you move forward in League of Legends. We've got Mike of many names here tonight. I'm still here and he's been absent so long that I am demoting him to the back of the list. Witch at Black Mass has decided to grace us with his presence because Canadia is frozen over so he has nothing better to do. [00:01:04] Speaker B: That is true, wouldn't you know. [00:01:06] Speaker A: Welcome back to the show Witch. [00:01:08] Speaker B: Thank you. [00:01:09] Speaker A: Thank you guys. We are the Forwards Podcast. We have a Discord. Come join the Discord. Come hang out. Come play games. We've been doing impromptu community games like one or two nights a week just whenever people feel like it. So come, come hang out link is in the episode description. It's a good time. And of course we also have a Patreon shout out to Codex, Ninja, Pillow, Pet and Robegon for supporting us on the Patreon at the shoutout tier. If you head over to patreon.com theforwardspodcast $1 a month just tells us that you love us. $5 a month gets you an exclusive feed of some behind the scenes audio of our prep work before each show and $10 a month will get you shouted out just like Codex, Ninja, Pillow, Pet and R. We also stream on Twitch. I can be found at Twitch TV Jackson where by the time you hear this the ranked season will be about to begin so it's probably going to be back to League of Legends streams pretty regularly. Mike can be found at Twitch TV Katsura444 where he has been streaming semi regularly. [00:02:17] Speaker C: I found stuff to stream and I've got time to do it. [00:02:21] Speaker A: And which do you stream anymore? [00:02:23] Speaker B: I haven't streamed in so long. [00:02:25] Speaker A: All right listeners, we're going to try to bully which into streaming more often. His handle is Twitch TV one, which underscore one. [00:02:34] Speaker B: Yes. [00:02:36] Speaker A: Last but not least listeners, we need more questions. Some of you did write in this past week so you're not getting chewed out by disappointed dad Jacks, but we do need more questions. Write into the four words podcastmail.com so we can answer your questions on the show. Alright without any Further ado, I have, unrelated to the podcast Shout out for this week, guys. We're recording this on Monday. The 6th AGDQ started yesterday. If you're looking for something to do this week while you wait for ranked to open up or whatever, go watch some agdq. It's a great time. Twitch TV Gamesdone. Quick. [00:03:18] Speaker B: It is always good. I always managed to tune in. I usually tune into, like, the VODS and stuff like that more so than the actual stuff, but I always like watching specifically Zelda Speedruns and some Pokemon stuff usually, so I tune in some of those. [00:03:33] Speaker A: Just before we hopped on to record this, there was a Zelda Breath of the Wild, two players on one controller, Speedrun, where they beat the game in less than 30 minutes with two players sharing one controller, which is fucking insane. [00:03:50] Speaker B: Yeah, that is pretty cool. [00:03:52] Speaker A: There was a Wind Waker run yesterday, and I think there's a Zelda randomizer later in the event too. So if you're into Zelda, there's a lot. [00:04:02] Speaker B: Yeah, I think Linkist was going there to do the Wind Wake up. [00:04:06] Speaker A: That was the wind waker one. Yes. Linkist 7 did it. It was great. Highly recommend. Like, it's a lot of fun. Even if you don't care about speedrunning, just watching someone break a game you love can sometimes be super entertaining, where you're just like, I spent two hours on that boss and they killed it in literally three seconds. What the fuck? Or they didn't even fight that boss. They just straight up skipped it. [00:04:31] Speaker B: Just avoided the load zone. Yeah, no, it's. That's cool. [00:04:35] Speaker C: That's like half demoralizing, half insane. Like, are you kidding me? [00:04:41] Speaker A: And it's just a lot of fun. They. They have a great time with it. Like I said, just. Just go check it out. Whether you want to look at the VODS or tune in live, it's. It's a good time. They do it twice a year, so I'm plugging that because it's something to do this week that I really like. So, guys, last week Mike and I kind of did a little bit of our own retrospective on 2024, but which didn't get a chance to because he wasn't here. So with him back from his podcasting hiatus, we're putting him on the spot, which tell the listeners, how did 2024 in League of Legends go for you? [00:05:26] Speaker B: I think overall, pretty good. I kind of made my own, like, little separate goal this year. I started my own competitive warg for just basically lower league from diamond and below, pretty much. And so I compete on, like, an emerald team. And so we ended up forming a squad and playing throughout the whole entire year with the same five players. And we ended up winning our first competitive split this fall. So that was really, really big for me. [00:05:59] Speaker C: Let's go. [00:06:00] Speaker B: Yeah. And then overall, for, like, my ranked, I was just trying to maintain and trying to keep up the way that I play and the champions I enjoy. So specifically, I would say fiddlesticks. And I was trying to make Viego work this split, but it was just not working every single time I picked it. It was actually just unplayable drafts. But I think I'm gonna be ending Emerald 3. And so each split, I think I ended E3 or I think I ended E4. Split one, E2 split two. And then I'm gonna end E3 this split. So it would have been more better If I hit E1, then E2, and then E3. But. But yeah, that's. Overall, I think I'm gonna try to make a diamond grind in the next year, but it's just really dependent on how it really turns out. [00:06:59] Speaker A: Oh, my God, listeners, which is not kidding. I just looked him up. He went 1 in 10 on Viego in ranks. [00:07:08] Speaker B: Yeah, it was. Yeah, it was terrible. It was so bad. Every single time I would draft because I would. I often switch because Jungle's usually picked earlier. And like, I. I'm willing to pick earlier than, let's say, like my top laner. I don't really want to my first pick top. So I'll be like, I'll offer him to switch. And whenever I do that, it's often like, I'll get like a teemo top auction mid Zilean support. And then like, Samira, and I'm like, okay, this is actually unplayable. Like, I can't. I. I'm a have to be the one to go in as solo viego. And yeah, it would always. It was always like that whenever I played my Viego games. So I'm just not gonna be a Viego player anymore, I guess. [00:07:49] Speaker A: Oh, my God. I'm actually just looking through this match history. You had exactly one loss where you had a reasonable comp, where you did not have to be the engage. [00:07:57] Speaker B: Yeah, it was out of 10. Yeah. Whenever you're primary engage on VA, like, that's not what you're supposed to do. Like, my favorite pairing with Viego is Malzahar, actually. Malzahar just a n. Like, you just disable one person. You enable 100% a guaranteed one reset. And then you're able to dissolve all that throughout the fight. [00:08:15] Speaker A: Champions like Malzahar Malphite, just the hundred to zero champs. [00:08:21] Speaker C: Honestly, the fact that they drafted after you, you're picking Viego early and they're not picking around. That fact is a problem far too much. [00:08:31] Speaker B: It's like I'll pick fiddlesticks and then I'll have a draft of full ap and I'm like, guys, that's just. [00:08:37] Speaker A: That's. I like you. [00:08:38] Speaker B: Yeah. So. [00:08:42] Speaker A: Unfortunate. But do you feel like you achieved your goals in 2024? [00:08:48] Speaker B: Yeah, I think I did. As I said, it was more aspiring towards my org that then more so than my solo queue rank this. This split of which I think our org has like 500 people in it and we're actively fielding rosters and stuff. So that's been my overall league goal in general this split, so. Or this year rather. And then we're continuing it on into 2025, so. [00:09:20] Speaker A: Fair enough. All right. Well then the other part of this is going to be for all three of us what we didn't really get to last week so much. We want to talk a little bit about our 2025 goals and learnings going into 2025, and I'm going to kick that off to kind of set the stage of what we're talking about there. Goal is straightforward. I want to get back to Emerald. I'm mad that I didn't make Emerald this last split. I only made Emerald one out of the three splits in 2024. And I don't find that acceptable for myself. And my biggest learning, I think by far is that I do not take enough risks. I am realizing as I've played more and more that there are many times that my opponent will leave themselves wide open. They will use abilities to. To catch a cannon, minion or something like that. And I'm not punishing them because I'm focused too much on getting my own cannon. So my. My goal for 2025, other than get Emerald, is to learn to play more proactively in forcing my opponents to make mistakes or capitalizing on the mistakes when they do make them. [00:10:49] Speaker B: Is that more so like directed whenever you play mid. Because I know that you play like one third of your games, at least. Jungle, I think. Right? [00:10:56] Speaker A: Yes. And it's both. So an example of this that's happened over the past month since I stopped solo queue and have just been playing Flex is I've picked up LeBlanc and I've been playing a lot of Leblanc because she is very good at capitalizing on enemies, making mistakes. Oh, Aurora used her blast thing where she knocks herself back and slows her targets. Cool. I can now aggress on her kind of stuff. LeBlanc can do that. Whereas my usual like artillery mages and stuff that I play admit not so much. So I've been having a lot of success on that. Like in the past month of flex, I'm at a 58% win rate on her. Not bad. We take it. But so going into 2025, my goal is going to be to do more of that. Find ways to fit other champions that I play that are designed to be aggressive. Like Sylas as an example into more of my games. That kind of stuff, because I think that's gonna be how I get back to Emerald, is just playing more aggressively and not just playing Malzahar and neutralizing opponents like I was doing in a lot of 2024. And that goes for Jungle as well. Some of my best jungle games always are the ones where I'm just living up some dude's ass and just making sure he hates this game. Not because I'm getting myself personally fed off this guy or because I'm setting up my specific laner for success, but because the biggest thing you can do to win a game as a jungler is cause mental damage to your opponents. And nothing will make someone tilt and rage at their teammates more than when they get ganked and then get ganked and then get ganked and then get ganked. They will throw a tantrum. They will make every single person on the enemy team play worse because they are upset. The fact that I'm also, you know, getting my top or mid laner a little fed or my AD carry a little fed and myself a little fed is a nice cherry on top. [00:13:15] Speaker B: One of my favorite things to do whenever I'm playing specifically for top is like, if it's a very volatile matchup, like, let's say it's like Riven. Like we're playing against a Riven or something, right? We don't want her to get fed. I love hitting like my level six spike. Them still having tp, we kill them, they TP back. And I just do the Regan because they just bought backed and bought items. [00:13:36] Speaker A: But. [00:13:36] Speaker B: But I'm still full hp, ready to do it again. And then as soon as they die again, they're completely out of the game and tilted out of their mind. So it just, it's so nice. [00:13:46] Speaker A: And specifically, you know that that Riven player is the person who will tilt at their team for it. They will blame their teammates for them not recognizing that you could just regang them. [00:13:56] Speaker B: It's like if it's a Draven or Samura bot Lane, you know, if they die twice in a row, that they're going to tilt the. They're going to tilt out of their mind. [00:14:04] Speaker C: Yeah, that does seem to always be the case, doesn't it? [00:14:09] Speaker A: So Mike, what about you for 2025? What are your. Especially given that you went into 2024 with basically no particular goals, what are your goals and learnings for 2025? [00:14:21] Speaker C: So I had a minor goal in 2024 that if I was to play ranked, which I did, that I would at least hit gold, which I have, and I've actually pushed it. I'm in plat now with Flex because flex is the same thing as solo queue to me because I don't play alone. It doesn't matter to me which of those two I do. Most people will say solo queue is the one that matters, but I don't play alone and it's not. Not my thing. So getting. Getting plots huge for me because it's been. It's been a long time since I've been able to say I've been doing that well. And I played with the exact same people in both of them. Between Flex and. And solo queues, there's no difference in who I'm playing with and how I'm doing it. So my goal is to at least do platinum. If I continue to do ranked, which it seems I will be doing more ranked because people seem to want to do solo or duo and I can. I can join more people. Now that I'm in the plat stage, I would prefer to keep pushing it, see how far I can go up there because it. I just hit platform, it's gonna end in two days. So I'm not expecting to play more ranked. Really. I'm good where I'm at here. And then my real secondary goal is to do the exact opposite of Jax in Slow Down. I am a hyper aggressive player who does very risky things and sometimes they work very, very well. And I know I still have hands because I played a game very recently as Yi in which I can dodge Malphitelt with his Q. You need to have hands to do that, dude. [00:16:02] Speaker A: I am 38 and it is so satisfying when I hand check teenagers. [00:16:07] Speaker B: Oh yeah. [00:16:08] Speaker C: So. So I know I have the hands to keep playing at a high level. I need to change decision making and I have One game where it was perfect and it's. It's a little bit ago. It was a. There was another ranked game. I was playing Volibear versus Darius top. And Darius got an immediate kill on me, level one or two, because that's how Darius works. He pops everything. He jumps on you and does it. And then it became time to stall until I get myself that quick blade. And he did not want to stall. He would try and bait out fights, he would try and push forward. I lost a lot of farm in the early stages of that game not being there, getting ganked a bunch. But it's well worth it to slowly watch a Darius lose his mind and then try and dive you at level six. [00:17:02] Speaker A: Yep. [00:17:03] Speaker B: Yep. [00:17:04] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:17:04] Speaker A: For context, listeners, neither Mike nor Darius had a good scoreline in this game. Mike ended 5, 8 and 10. And the Darius was 4, 9 and 7 now contributed to their team's victory a lot more than the other one. [00:17:19] Speaker C: Now here's Mike, here's the thing. I was 1, 4 and like 5 or something at points because I'd be ganked a bunch. Darius would come in and so I was out of that game early on. And then I, I hit my point where no, it doesn't matter who's there, as long as I'm alone versus anybody, I will win because Volibear just reaches that point. [00:17:45] Speaker A: Yep. [00:17:46] Speaker C: It was, knowing what that point was. [00:17:49] Speaker B: Yeah. Terrible. [00:17:52] Speaker C: So. [00:17:52] Speaker A: So it was pretty funny. [00:17:54] Speaker C: So slowing that game down, giving up a lot, putting myself, myself behind to let the rest of the team push ahead really changed what was going to be probably a losing side because they had, they had an incredibly fad made echo 15 and 8 and 11. So he did serious damage. [00:18:21] Speaker A: Yeah. I was so mad that he got that fed after I dumped on him in the early game, but it didn't matter. [00:18:30] Speaker B: Still came out with the victory. [00:18:31] Speaker A: Yeah, we still, we still came out with the dub because we had a top laner who understood his role. And Mike would cc the right people at the right time and stand as a brick wall, bear in front of people and be like, no, you can't reach my friends. When he needed to. He made all the right decisions in the mid to late game. And that's what I think he's talking about there. [00:18:52] Speaker C: Yeah, and this is more of a. A lame decision for that goal is to try and play more reserved as a laner, as a jungler. There's a lot less of that, but it's more of a knowing when I need to sell myself, which is one of the Things I'm fairly good at as a jungler is knowing I'm going to die here. It doesn't matter. I'm going in to take the thing. If I can steal it from him, it's worth it. And I can steal it a good 60% of the time. [00:19:23] Speaker A: Yeah. I just wish sometimes that you would listen when the call is to give things up because you have a tendency also to walk in and die. And your death means now they get more. [00:19:33] Speaker C: Yeah. So it's knowing when to sell myself. [00:19:38] Speaker A: Yes. [00:19:39] Speaker B: One of my favorite things for Top and kind of amplify your goal of like just being patient and stuff like that is that specifically for Top, if you're in a matchup that they need gold to actually be successful in, what they need to do if your team's already winning, your job is to be super uninteractive and just collect as much farm as you actually can. Because if you do that, that means that they're losing the game because they're having to stare at you the whole entire time and they're already losing the game from the rest of the map. That's one of my favorite things as Top because you're just like, hey, hey man. You have to move to win the game. If you don't want to move, that's okay by me. We could have this stare at each other, fight the whole entire game and you're going to lose. That's fine. [00:20:21] Speaker A: I still remember a game I played in Top lane as Jax against Dadarius because it's was Dariuses who do this, where it was literally like 20 minutes straight of me dropping some CS here and there to make sure that I would always counter strike and then jump away. While Darius was stunned so he could not pull me back in. And like plates had fallen. We were well past that point. Eventually he just got fucking mad that he couldn't get me to actually fight him. And like we're both like one, one and a half items at this point. And he just suddenly randomly just ghosts and runs under my turret to fight me. And I'm like, okay, die then. And I murder him. And he threw a fucking tantrum in all chat like, you fucking pussy. Why won't you fight me? And I'm like, cause I'm winning the game. I'm literally doing the thing that makes it most likely for me to get that LP in the end, which is to not feed the Darius. Because I knew I would beat him eventually. I don't need to rush it. I can wait 20, 30 minutes. I did enough to make sure he had to stay in lane because the moment he left to go try to fuck with my other teammates, I immediately it was hard shoving. And I'm a Jack so you can shove very fast and kill turrets very fast if left alone. [00:21:44] Speaker B: Yep. [00:21:46] Speaker A: And disengaged from him. Literally bought wards, bought control wards to make sure I always had something to jump to to escape from him. And he got so mad that I would not fight him. And I won that game at like 10 and 2 or something like that. [00:22:08] Speaker B: Nice. [00:22:09] Speaker C: So I. I don't know if this will be something that Jax also agrees with, but it is something that I have noticed with the more recent ranked games is narrowing my focus on champions has helped a good deal. So actually picking like only three or four champions to do normally because both of us have a full willingness to play a bunch of anything. I've only played like six total champions recently in in ranked. Most of which are the same thing except for they're very similar in how they play. I've played a ton of Tahm Kench, I've played a ton of Nocturne and I've had a couple of smatterings of other champions here and there that have. It's. It's really when we say narrow your focus it helps because you're able to do a lot more. I've learned things about Tahm Kench that I would not have known before. I've learned in little. Oh yeah. One Tom Kench wins almost every early fight, bar none. I have not seen him lose a fight pre 6 to anyone without help. [00:23:30] Speaker A: I. I would assume that like a Darius could beat him if the Darius plays it correctly. [00:23:35] Speaker C: Nope. [00:23:38] Speaker B: I think that Tom Kench actually has a fair amount of just winning matchups like straight up if you actually play them correctly and patiently because just because you can stay in the fight because of his innate like tongue healing and shield. Like shield. It's very dependent on you having level there. But like levels. But Yeah. I think 100% Tahm Kench has a good fight. [00:23:56] Speaker A: I hate that you can say tongue healing and I understand what you mean. [00:24:00] Speaker C: Yeah. And tongue healing is one of the most frustrating things for enemies and one of those things that you need to the little bits of Tom Kench is Tom Kench actually kind of wants to shove a little bit because he doesn't want you sitting in a wave where he can't hit you. So he's going to break open the back line and smack at you. He's going to run at you and try and keep you off of the waves. And then. [00:24:24] Speaker A: So he plays like Darius is what I mean. [00:24:26] Speaker C: He plays very much like Darius does. [00:24:29] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:24:29] Speaker C: For the entire early game and then transitions into such a hyper tank that you. You can go through games. I had like an 111 in 6 game or something where the only reason I died was because I dove into four people and still lived for like 30 seconds. [00:24:51] Speaker A: I remember that one. You were mad that you lost your unkillable demon king because you were like, oh, that was stupid of me. I shouldn't have died. [00:24:59] Speaker C: I. I could have lived there. And I made a dumb. Damn it. I chose to. I chose to dive back in as opposed to dive out. [00:25:07] Speaker A: You were also the top damage dealt in the entire game, and it was not close. I was number two and I was like 14,000 damage behind you. [00:25:18] Speaker C: Yeah. So, like, as. As. As. I've played less and less champions in the same. I still play tons of champions and I'll still play multiple champions in. Ranked in. In this. This ranked season to push. I've played Ambassador and Diana once each because they were the right call for the right situation. But having a baseline, this is my. My standard champion that if. If nothing screams me to go something specific, that's what I'm probably gonna do. And that's. I think my main focus going in is finding one two champions that are. This is my one for this. This is my one for this. And then I'll play if a situation calls for it. Yeah, I'll switch this champion in. [00:26:07] Speaker A: I think that's gonna have to be what I do for 2025, as well as. As much as I love just playing every champion under the sun. [00:26:18] Speaker C: Time to make Viego one of your champions. [00:26:21] Speaker B: I went on a kick, like, whenever. [00:26:23] Speaker A: You hit one of my champions, you. [00:26:25] Speaker B: Went on a kick where you were playing like Malzahar, like Tristana, like Perma, and actually like winning like, a. Like a fair amount of your games just because you're sticking to it. I mean, you look at like, my op, right? And I Like, it's primarily fiddle, right. Like, I just play a tremendous amount of fiddle, and then I. I situate with other characters or whatever. If I'm just too ap Heavy. But if I'm blinding, I just pick fiddlesticks and have a 60 win rate with it. Right. So. [00:26:52] Speaker A: Yep. [00:26:53] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:26:57] Speaker A: All right. [00:26:58] Speaker B: It's pretty good. [00:26:59] Speaker A: Any other. Which you haven't talked about your goals and learnings for 2025 yet. [00:27:05] Speaker B: So my goals are kind of the opposite. So whenever I started the Season I was just kind of just playing. I was, I was actually trying to see how long I could just. Just play fiddle 4 because I just wanted to see how far I could get just playing fiddle. And I actually had like one or two games at like almost like 80 games of fiddlesticks or something like that on other champs. And I was picking kind of fiddlesticks in like awkward spots too, where I probably shouldn't have. So I think that what I want to do is kind of situate myself where I can play other picks as well, a little bit more blindable like that I want to do so. Like, for example, I think in prior split I played a lot of Zinn. I've been playing lesson, but I played a lot of Zinn in the prior split and I think he's in a pretty okay state. He's not terrible. Not bad by any means. So playing champs like that, kind of like an even rate of fiddlestick so that I have multiple champions in that kind of wheelhouse for me. And then I would like to do a diamond grind. But being realistic, I would like to just hit emerald fairly quickly in the next beginning of the split and then kind of just play do like I go on these binges of playing like multiple ranked games and even if I lose, continuing the the streak, I just want to kind of play three games and then stop. Play three games, then stop like trying to grow gradually rather than. I lost 100 LP last night. I need to get it back now. And then playing going down and down, which had happened, I almost, if you look at my graph, probably I went down to P4 sometime at some point this split and then just went back to emerald. So. But yeah, that would be my goal. [00:28:59] Speaker C: Holy shit. I have a 70 win rate on Nocturne. [00:29:02] Speaker A: I literally went from emerald and split two to low silver. Like I was silver four at one point in split three. It's brutal. [00:29:10] Speaker B: Like, it's brutal. Yeah. And whenever you get in that rabbit hole, I don't, I don't care what like rioters say and stuff like that. You get paired up with people that are in the same mindset as you. I swear you definitely do. Because, like, no matter what you do, you could put everything in your backpack to try to carry a game and it's like they just don't want to win. Like, it's like I have. You have to wait until you hit that threshold and then you're gonna jump right back up again. So. [00:29:42] Speaker A: Yeah, absolutely. It also is worth pointing out that we do know that the 2025 season will not have split resets. There will be a 2025, season one, season two and season three. So three splits essentially. But they're not going to be doing resets between them. They straight up said they will not be doing resets between them. So I'm hoping that means that when we revisit our goals in a few months, we'll actually be able to really set new ones instead of our goal being, I'm gonna do it again and then again. [00:30:19] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:30:22] Speaker A: All right. Mike, you have a trinket tip for us. What's your trinket tip? [00:30:25] Speaker C: So this one is, is from one of the games I briefly mentioned earlier. When you look at the game and you see what you have in front of you, what sort of cooldowns enemy has, what sort of team fight alts the enemy can bring, it can be a hundred percent worth it to die immediately in a fight, to throw your life in to die if you can bait out two, maybe three of those. So I was, we were talking about it. I was playing a Master Yi game a little while ago. And the enemy has a Shen Wukong and a Malphite. I could consistently get two of those alts every time I jumped in. And so I may be 11 and 10, but the rest of the team is doing things because I'm going in, I'm getting a kill and I am dying for it. But I am taking multiple major team fight ultimates away from them. Things that are massively power budgeted to the enemy so that we had a. One of the listeners, Codex, she was in the game with us and she was having a rough game. She wasn't having a great start. And then I was able to get in and steal a bunch of the ultimates from them, make them do them on me. And suddenly she could do things. And so now Codex is very strong and. And we kind of crushed the end of that game. [00:31:59] Speaker A: Yeah, that game was a absolute like swing from. We were hard losing to, we were hard winning. And a lot of that was that Mike was enough of a threat that they actually needed to commit ults on him. But when they committed the ults on him, we made sure we didn't get caught in them as well, which is an important part of this trinket tip. And we were there to follow up. So this would be like they would over commit on him. They were malfight him, Wukong, Ultim, Shen, dive in on him. And then we'd be like, cool, you guys are all clumped up now. Eat a Miss Fortunalt. [00:32:39] Speaker C: So there would be points even in that game where it would be I would be going in alone, completely away from them. But it's right before something important is going out. Even though I'm the jungler, if I take out one or two of you and I take your ultimate, doesn't matter. My team's one. And so that happened consistently. [00:32:58] Speaker A: If you're gonna be doing this in games, recommend buying a Guardian angel or a Zhonya's or both if your champion happens to be one of the few that can do both. Or Edge of Night Banshee's Veil. Something to allow you to absorb more of these. Because if the enemy is paying attention and is smart, what winds up happening is they blow exactly one cooldown on you and still burst you 100 to 0. And then your team's stuck in a 4v5. Make them have to over commit to kill you. [00:33:32] Speaker C: And and this was just a forcing them to do things. Now you also to do this, you have to know that your team doesn't rely on you to do the damage. [00:33:43] Speaker A: Yep. [00:33:43] Speaker C: We had two other major damage threats. Even though I'm playing a master Yi, we have other damage threats. So it's okay if I sell my life to make sure you don't have a team fight? [00:33:57] Speaker A: Yep, yep. And half the time he'd still get a kill because he'd dodge the Ults with his Q and kill someone and then they'd have to blow even more to actually get him. [00:34:06] Speaker C: God, it's so satisfying to dodge a Malphite Ult with the eq. [00:34:10] Speaker A: Speaking of Codex, she's our first listener question tonight. Codexninja writes. Hey Wards, it'll be the start of season one. God, why name it like that? Riot act one when hopefully you get this with this. You obviously have a bunch of changes. But I have a more general question than a specific one. What is your process of going about figuring out how to deal with the excessive chaos that ensues around the end and beginning of the season? Obviously people will give their takes and we'll figure it out as the season goes. But do you make predictions and see if they're true? Do you just kind of vibe and see what folks do? And I'm gonna pause there because I don't know the thing she's referring to. We'll cover that next week when we start covering the new season. So we will be covering the new season stuff. The patch drops two days from when we're recording this. You'll get our thoughts With a few days behind it of actual gameplay. So let's take it more as a. When that patch drops, when we get those patch notes, what are we gonna do when we get home? When we look at the patch and we go, okay, how the fuck am I gonna climb in this season? [00:35:19] Speaker C: Two things first off, one, read the notes. Actually read the patch notes, figure out what has changed. And that's the most important. Just know what's changed. You don't have to know all the minute details. [00:35:32] Speaker A: And to be clear, you don't need to understand the specific changes. This step is knowing what has changed. You need to know, oh, X, Y and Z are different. I should learn them. [00:35:46] Speaker C: And two, and I think this is the important one, play normals. Play normals. Don't rush into ranked before you start playing. Play a bunch of games that you're still trying to win, but they don't have the same consequence behind your ranked season. [00:36:00] Speaker A: May I Recommend Joining the 4 wards discord linked in the episode description. I guarantee there will be normal draft games going on pretty much every night from the night that patch drops through the weekend. [00:36:14] Speaker C: Yeah, probably. [00:36:16] Speaker A: I don't know when, but I guarantee it's gonna happen. I'm gonna be part of some of those. So join the Discord so you can get in some normal games with other people and figure it out together. [00:36:28] Speaker B: Yeah. [00:36:30] Speaker A: Alright. So I feel like I'm the odd man out here. A lot of what I do with any major shift in league is I'm reading the patch notes and I'm reading it from a what can I power game. What looks obviously broken to me that I play that I can abuse day one. So, for example, Warwick got reworked a couple patches ago. I already played a decent amount of Warwick before that change. I was spamming the fuck out of Warwick on that patch because I played him enough to know when I saw those changes, oh, he's gonna be insanely op. And I had an incredible win rate on him and he got Hotfix Nerfed twice because I was right, he was insanely op. He's still incredibly strong. I don't know if I want to say op. [00:37:21] Speaker B: Yeah, he's in a good spot. Yeah, he's in a good spot. [00:37:24] Speaker A: He's definitely on the upper end of balanced at this point after two nerfs, which tells you how far out of whack he was on that initial patch. So that's the first thing I look for is, okay, what is something that I play that to me on its face reads as just being Blatantly overpowered. Because if it's something I already play, then it's easy for me to jump on that bandwagon while it's fresh, while other people are less likely to know how to play against it. And before it gets nerfed, I'm going to ride that free lp. It works every year. You mentioned earlier, which me playing a lot of Malzahar and Tristana. That was another one of those. [00:38:11] Speaker C: Yep. [00:38:15] Speaker A: Other than jumping on what I think is going to be a trend, a lot of what I do otherwise is I look at systems changes and try to evaluate how does this impact the game so I can make the right decisions. For example, when they added the 5 minute timer on turrets for top and mid lane, where you do basically no meaningful damage to turrets before five minutes, that made me go, oh well, there's more value if I roam bot early because if I roam bot and kill their bot lane before five minutes, we can take a plate. If I roam top or if I kill my direct lane opponent, I don't get a plate. So I look at systems changes like that and figure out how does that impact my decision making, where do I want to go and spend my time on the map kind of stuff. And sometimes I get it wrong. Like I am far from infallible. [00:39:18] Speaker B: It's all about figuring it out at the beginning of the season. [00:39:21] Speaker A: But that's also kind of why the, the normal games is so important, because that's the testing ground where you can test the theory that you've just come up with from reading the patch notes and see if you're right. I mean, I'm a Path of Exile player. I love theory crafting. I'll theory craft all day, every day. Still gotta test it. Gotta see if the theory actually plays out for real. [00:39:45] Speaker B: I think for me at the beginning of the season, I do very like the same things that you guys do when it comes to theory crafting, reading the patch and then also playing what I think is strong. But I also, what I personally do is like try to take in like different sources of like there's lots of people actually playing the game and playing it at a high level that you can actually see what the like for example pro players, not LCS and stuff like that isn't going on at this time. But there's lots of streams of people that are high level playing the game that you can actually see them figuring out the patch as well. And you can see like how, how they feel, what's wrong, stuff like that, that's. [00:40:29] Speaker C: That's definitely one of the the main things. If you're willing to wait a little bit on your ranked start and you're going to push it back a week, two, three maybe, because now that things aren't resetting, you don't have to push immediately. If you're willing to wait a couple weeks and wait until the LTA starts, if you've got time to go watch maybe some vlogs from Korea or China or Europe, they'll have a very good idea of what is strong in the game by the time it starts. They're going to know what objectives are good. They're going to know the major changes of the Rift. Even if some of the things that they do individually in the games are not good for you because pro play is not an even scratch across the board, they do a lot of things that we do not do because pro play is a fundamentally different game than the game that you play. Yes, there will be good ideas of this is generally strong. This is something that that we think is the optimal way to win. [00:41:42] Speaker A: So here's the other thing that I think is valuable of why even if you're not particularly interested in the esports side of it, there is value in watching at least a few pro play games from your region. Whatever server you are playing on because a non trivial amount of the player base you are going to be playing with and against will be setting their expectations on how the game should be played from watching your region's pro play. So if you're in North America, that means there is value in watching a few LTA games I guess is what it's called now. I hate that LTA or if you're in one of the two European servers, watch some LEC games not because you need to necessarily emulate them, but because many of the players you play with will be trying to emulate them and will base their understanding of how systems have changed on what they are seeing in pro play. [00:42:41] Speaker C: This is fundamentally true across the board for the Korean servers. Someone somewhere will always say that Korea is doing it perfectly. Therefore we must emulate Korea. So knowing what they're doing is a good call. If you want to watch them, you don't have to. You don't have to go out of your way to find some of these things. But even like getting a 20 minute YouTube clip to play on the side as you're going through, hey, what do you do when the new objective pops up? Akaton, whatever his name is, what are what are people fighting over? Taking a look and seeing how they're. They're dealing with this might be a good while. Good. Good. Worth your time. [00:43:20] Speaker B: Yeah, I mean, I was talking about with Jax about Tank Jace that's popped up that. That happened in, I think, Korea or. No, it was. Sorry, it was the Chinese circuit or whatever. They had like a tournament beforehand and Tank James played by like, Fondre or something like that. But yeah. Else. Yeah. And anyways, I didn't. He didn't know initially that Tank Chase was being played. But right now, because of certain items and how they are, they're interacting and how things are being played, it's just a champion that's being played differently right now than what it's normally being played as. [00:44:02] Speaker A: And you will see instances of that throughout every year of every season we've ever had of League of Legends. There will be random builds that suddenly become the only build you see. Not necessarily because the people piloting it in your games are playing it to where it's worth doing, but because that's what they're seeing in pro play. That's what they're seeing in high elo streamers. They're watching, and they may not understand why it's supposed to be good. They may not actually be playing it in a way that makes it good. It may be very bad in your games, but if you're caught off guard because you don't have the knowledge of it, they can still beat your ass with it. Yep. So, yeah, I strongly recommend multiple sources of knowledge. As much as I love this show, we are far from the sole source you should be listening to. If you're looking to get better at League of Legends, listen to us. Find other podcasts if there's other podcasts that appeal to what you're looking for, watch streamers, watch YouTube videos and guides. Like you need to find multiple sources because there is no objective best way to play League of Legends. The best way for you is going to be some amalgamation of advice and information from various sources that you process and turn into something that makes the most sense to you. That being said, our next listener question, I think, has a lot of objective answers, too, so let's get to it. Austin writes. Hey, you guys talked about Ethernet a couple episodes ago. I just want to spread awareness about power line adapters, which don't require as long of a cable. It turns your home's existing power lines into an Ethernet connection, and you just need to run a line to the outlet from your router and then one to your computer from a different outlet. Can help a lot In a rental situation, for example, it's more pricey than just running a cable like $60 or so. It's also not 100% perfect, depending on your home setup, but in my experience, it gets about the same latency as a single cable. For me, it dropped from 65 milliseconds. That spiked to 100 plus and some packet loss occasionally to a stable 45 milliseconds. I agree with Austin with some caveats, and I want to briefly turn on tech nerd jacks here. If your choices are a power line adapter or an actual ethernet cable, you should pick the ethernet cable 10 times out of 10. If your choices are a solid good WI fi connection, meaning you have clear line of sight from the router to your computer, with no walls in between, and it is a relatively short distance, like 10 meters or less, you should. [00:46:57] Speaker C: Use the Wi Fi 30ft. [00:47:00] Speaker A: Yes. Wi Fi in that condition that I just described is going to outperform a power line adapter, because the downsides of power line adapters is that they are subject to interference when other devices are using electricity in your house, such as the microwave. A vacuum cleaner is a big one, and they also just straight up don't work sometimes because some houses are wired in such a way that you're on a different circuit and it literally cannot communicate. They also have serious bandwidth limits. It is extremely difficult to have a power line adapter that can reliably move more than about 100 megabits a second of data, period. And the ones that you're finding for $60 usually aren't even that fast. Depending on the Internet you have, that may be enough. I can download 900 megabits a second. A powerline adapter would be four times slower than my WI fi, which admittedly, I have insane WI fi. I'm not saying that's a fair comparison. I spent nearly $1,000 on my wifi hardware. I have ubiquity stuff. Don't be like me unless you're a nerd. But in my particular case, wifi is going to be better than a power line adapter because of that. Because WI fi is not going to be interfered with if someone turns on the vacuum. If the microwave is in good working order and is properly shielded, it won't affect the WI fi either. That's a big qualifier. A lot of cheap microwaves are not very well shielded. [00:48:44] Speaker C: And. And if you're in a place where you're talking about price, that's. That's a hundred percent a possibility, yes. [00:48:52] Speaker A: However, even with those caveats, if you're looking at oh well, the wifi has to go through three walls. The power line adapter is going to be better 90% of the time. I have recommended Powerline ethernet adapters to co hosts on my podcasts. Before when I was on the league rundown, one of my old co hosts had the exact problem of being on wi fi near max range through a wall and could not run an ethernet cable because his roommate wouldn't be okay with it and couldn't do any kind of home renovations because he didn't own the house. And the Powerline ethernet adapter was a sixty or so dollar solution that meant he could have a usable connection. It was slow, but slow and stable is better than fast and stable. Yeah, and that's I think the biggest key is usually Powerline will be more stable than most WI fi setups, but it is not as stable. [00:49:58] Speaker B: Ethernet is just king. I remember when I switched to ethernet it was night and day difference to be honest. [00:50:03] Speaker A: And if you have a big house, look at fiber optic. [00:50:09] Speaker C: If you can afford fiber optic, do fiber optic. [00:50:13] Speaker A: If you can afford smaller home like I have hundred foot ethernet runs under my house. There's no meaningful difference between that and fiber optic. I'm talking like if you're in like a three story house and you're having to run cable from like the basement to the top floor floor, that's where fiber optic can be valuable. But that's also well beyond the scope of this podcast. Austin continues, though the ethernet adapter was not the only part of his question. He also wrote keyboards and stuff can matter. Like if you don't have N key rollover which can make your buttons not work. And I have an MMO mouse which is nice for items and stuff but it's irrelevant if you disconnect in matches worth the money in time. So I want to take that and talk about peripherals for a moment. Austin mentioned N key rollover. This is an important keyboard feature that if you have anything resembling a mid range or better gaming keyboard you have. This is something from like Razer, Corsair, Logitech or any of the other like name brands of just regular ass gaming keyboards. Any mechanical gaming keyboards, these are generally going to have N key rollover. What that means is it does not matter which keys you press on the keyboard. It will register all the different key presses. If you're using a cheap like let's say Dell or HP like keyboard that came with your computer, you don't have this. You can actually press if you press a bunch of keys on your keyboard simultaneously, depending on the keys you press, it may be as few as three before you start dropping inputs, and it may be as many as six before you start dropping inputs. That is a feature that genuinely matters in League of Legends. Not because you actually need to be hitting that many different keys simultaneously, but because frequently you will not have fully let go of a previous key before you're hitting the next one. And if you haven't let go and it's the combination of keys that you can't press at the same time, cool. You just dropped an input and you died because you didn't get your flash off. [00:52:21] Speaker B: Hmm. [00:52:23] Speaker C: It matters a lot more if you play a bunch of other games on your PC. It matters a lot in games like MMOs, where you are consistently using Wasda. [00:52:35] Speaker A: Yep. Yep. It really does. Shooters also, it can matter a lot in the more complicated shooters, not so much in the, like, CS go type shooters. [00:52:45] Speaker C: Well, anything that you're using wasd, if you're using Wasdar, you. You have the potential to completely fuck yourself over if you don't have it. [00:52:53] Speaker A: Yep. So I just wanted to talk briefly about what do you guys use for peripherals? So, come on, Witch. I'm making Witch go first. [00:53:05] Speaker C: Okay. [00:53:06] Speaker B: I have a SteelSeries keyboard and then a Razer Mouse. I have switched out my keyboard a few times. I actually had a Razer keyboard before, but I wanted to try out the. I forget which one it is. I think it's like SteelSeries Apex 5 or something like that. And then I just have a Razer Viper as my mouse. I've never had problems with Razer mouse mice specifically. I have had issues with their keyboards before. And then I've always liked SteelSeries. I always have had the SteelSeries headsets and stuff like that. I just enjoy them. They've always been super comfy. They have, like, the fabric band that it doesn't sit on your head. And so specifically, I've always used SteelSeries headsets. And then, yeah, I've enjoyed this keyboard thus far, and I haven't had any issues with it. So they have like a weird, like, little screen display on it. But I never. It's just an aesthetic thing. I think they're so. What's the word? Like, bait Y. It's not a feature that you'll ever actually use meaningfully. It's just like, oh, that's pretty. [00:54:16] Speaker A: It is a superfluous feature to drive up the price of the peripheral. [00:54:20] Speaker B: Exactly. So. But yeah, I Never use it. Ever. Ever. But the keyboard's good for me. [00:54:26] Speaker A: All right. [00:54:26] Speaker B: I've always enjoyed it. [00:54:27] Speaker A: What about you, Mike? [00:54:28] Speaker B: And. And wired. Sorry. I always. All of them are wired. I don't like wireless at all. Sorry. [00:54:33] Speaker A: There's. [00:54:33] Speaker C: There's one piece of wireless I like and that's my mouse. [00:54:38] Speaker B: Okay. [00:54:38] Speaker C: I, I have had very, very good luck with Razer as a whole. Razors have been pretty good. Especially, especially the mice for me. I ran an Uroboros for six years. I've run the Viper ultimate since then because it's light, it's clean. Because it is connected to a dongle and then has a hard wire there. It has absolutely perfect pickup. So I don't have to worry about having the space on my desk for mouse wires bouncing all over the place. And if it somehow doesn't charge or I forget to put it on the charger, I can unplug it and just plug it directly into the mouse and still play. [00:55:17] Speaker A: Yep. [00:55:18] Speaker C: And then run a wired mouse. And then I also have a Razer keyboard. I've got a Huntsman right now. Huntsman leet. I, I love mechanical keyboards and I've loved the clicky mechanicals forever. They just feel good to use. And then a headset I've used Beyerdynamic. Don't, don't necessarily do the same kind of headset stuff that the Jax and I are using because they're, they're sort of the lower end. But of audiophile stuff. [00:55:50] Speaker A: Yeah. If you're looking to spend 150 to $200 on an amazing sounding pair of headphones that do not have a built in mic or even a detachable plug for you to plug a mic into and improvise. A way to have a microphone. Beyerdynamic makes some incredible headphones. I'm wearing DT 770s. What do you have? [00:56:11] Speaker C: Mike 9 hundreds, 900 Pro X. [00:56:16] Speaker A: My wife has DT 990s. Like they sound amazing. I cannot stress enough how incredible these things sound compared to every previous pair of headphones I've ever owned. [00:56:27] Speaker C: They sound phenomenal. If you're able to get a DAC and an amp which set up I have as well. I've got a DAC amp from, from a company called Shit. Love them. I love them. [00:56:38] Speaker A: I'm just plugged into my motherboard, but I have higher end motherboard audio. [00:56:42] Speaker C: Yeah. If you can get a DAC amp, it takes the extra power from a DAC amp and it runs it beautifully. These are the most comfortable headphones I have ever owned and the best sounding headphones I have ever owned by a mile. And then I'm going to YETI because I'm a recorder and because I'm doing a podcast. I need a podcast mic. [00:57:01] Speaker A: Yep. The the previous headphones I had before this I've had a couple of different ones from Plantronics. I've had a Logitech in the past. This beyerdynamics is the first one that I can literally wear for 16 hours in a day and not be bothered by that fact. [00:57:17] Speaker C: There's one gaming headset that I will, I will preach down forever. HyperX makes one of the most comfortable headsets I have ever worn. And it goes down to if you can go get the $41, it's still comfortable, it still works just fine. [00:57:33] Speaker A: Cloud Stinger I think is the name they go or whatever they call it now. They've gone through several revisions. Yeah, yeah. It's like the go to like budget gamer headset that sounds good enough is very comfortable. [00:57:48] Speaker C: It's. It's well worth it if you're looking to get a very good like baseline headphone that you can wear all day long with complete comfort. [00:57:59] Speaker A: Yep. Comfort is I think the most important thing. So let me talk about my peripherals briefly. I use a SteelSeries Mouse. I have the SteelSeries Prime Wireless. I'm on my second one. The first one, my middle click failed and I have it here. I plan at some point to take it apart and see if I can fix it. But I liked it so much that I bought a second one. Despite that, this is the most comfortable mouse I've ever held like mics. It is a wireless mouse with a dongle to do 2.4 GHz wireless. I do not have a lot of 2.4 GHz interference in my home. I am super sensitive to latency. I can feel the lag of playing games on my TV through Steam link on my home network where it is actually only about 20 milliseconds of lag. I can feel that I can't tell a difference between this mouse wired and wireless. I genuinely can't say is imperceptible latency if there is any. And there's been a lot of like independent testing that most of the high end wireless mice now high end is the important part there. [00:59:12] Speaker B: Yes. [00:59:13] Speaker A: Do not add any meaningful latency and in some cases are faster than most wired gaming mice are, which is wild to me but not there to consistently. [00:59:27] Speaker C: Flick over the wire to try and get in the right space or pull it to keep extra movement. [00:59:33] Speaker A: The important key there is. Mike, how much was your wireless mouse when it was brand new? [00:59:38] Speaker C: 130. [00:59:40] Speaker A: Yeah, mine was like 110 brand new. We have high end wireless mice. To be fair, I do not recommend a cheap wireless mouse if you find a $40 wireless mouse unless it's one that was a hundred and something dollar Wireless master. [00:59:54] Speaker C: You can find these things on sale on Amazon relatively frequently every time there are big sales. Look, because you can find really, really good pieces of peripheral for very good sales relatively consistently. [01:00:12] Speaker A: I'm looking up how much. I got the second one because it was much cheaper than the 100. And yeah, it was like 75 bucks. Oh, no, it was less because we bought something else on that order. It was like 60 bucks. But the key there is that it's a high end product that was now getting older. That's why I bought a second one because it's now discontinued. They've replaced it with other products. And I was like, no, I like that one. I want that one again. My favorite mouse I've ever had. I was so mad at the Corsair. Did not make a sequel to it. I had a Corsair mouse in like 2014 that was like an MMO mouse in that it had a ton of buttons on the side. But unlike an MMO mouse where they're all arranged in a grid, they like encircled your thumb. So it was like, okay, I rest my thumb in this spot in the middle and then any direction I move, my thumb has like multiple different buttons I can hit. [01:01:10] Speaker C: Okay. [01:01:11] Speaker A: It was super comfortable. It fit my hand perfectly and it gave me all the buttons I needed for wow. That I was playing at the time. [01:01:21] Speaker B: Nice. [01:01:22] Speaker C: I wore out the rubber on the sides of my mouse entirely to the point where I'm now touching bare plastic on that mouse. And that is why I got a new version of that exact same mouse. [01:01:36] Speaker A: Yep. My mouse doesn't even have rubber on the sides. I don't like that because it just collects skin. [01:01:43] Speaker C: I relatively. I clean this relatively frequently. [01:01:46] Speaker A: Hard to clean the rubber. I don't like it. I'd rather just have the just smooth plastic in the first place. And then for my keyboard, obviously I mentioned my headset already is the same as Mike's just about. For my keyboard, I actually have a custom mechanical keyboard now. I bought a keychron barebones and then put in my own switches that I bought that were some sort of silent pre lubed switches. Got a neat, like Cyberpunk looking keycap set. It's fucking wonderful. But here's the actual important part of all of this, listeners. All of us have peripherals that we find incredibly comfortable to use day to day that are high end enough to serve our needs feature wise. [01:02:32] Speaker B: Yes. [01:02:34] Speaker A: Don't buy a cheap wireless mouse, they suck. If you can't afford a nice one, get a wired one instead. Spend your money on the build quality and functionality, not on the features. [01:02:45] Speaker B: Yeah, I still remember whenever I first bought into just like computer gaming in general. Remember I went to my value village and I bought like my monitor was an office square monitor. It wasn't even like a rectangle Mongol. Yeah, yeah. And I played on a square monitor for years until I was like, okay, I have enough money now, I can actually play. All right, all right. So I have two rectangle monitors now. But like, yeah, it was, it was a sin for me playing games. [01:03:14] Speaker A: I'm gonna date myself a bit here. My first gaming monitor was a 17 inch CRT monitor. [01:03:27] Speaker C: Nice. [01:03:28] Speaker A: Weighed like 40 pounds. It was fancy because it could do one step above 1024 by 768. I cannot for the life of me remember what the resolution was anymore. It was 4x3. It was a CRT. I ran Windows XP on that computer. To give you an idea of how old we're talking about. [01:03:48] Speaker C: So. So the only reason, yeah, the only reason I can't say the same. [01:03:52] Speaker B: And I played pinball Perma. [01:03:53] Speaker C: The only reason I can't say the same is because my parents were relatively conservative. And the first time I had a computer or a console in general for myself was when I went to college. And by the time I went to college I had a laptop. Because it's college time for a laptop. [01:04:11] Speaker A: Yeah. [01:04:14] Speaker B: I mean, yeah, I didn't, I didn't play computer games until I was pretty much at that age too. Like I played a lot more console games. So that's the reason why I didn't have. [01:04:23] Speaker C: My parents were also Mac. There was no gaming on those computers. [01:04:27] Speaker A: Fair. I mean to be fair, what was I playing on that 17 inch CRT? StarCraft Diablo 2, Heroes of Might and Magic. Heroes of might and Magic 3. [01:04:40] Speaker C: That was one of the few games. [01:04:41] Speaker B: That worked on Map. [01:04:43] Speaker A: That should put in context what time period we're talking about. This is old man Jack's story time. [01:04:48] Speaker C: Yeah. Actually this is relevant. Like old man Mac did not have gaming. You could not game on Macs, period. [01:04:54] Speaker A: Yep. So yeah, the important thing for peripherals, if you want specific recommendations, you talk to people find out what they use and why. Yeah, I strongly recommend if you do not have peripherals already, you don't have a frame of reference, find a local store that has display models so you can feel what the mouse feels like in your hand, so you can feel what that keyboard feels like under your fingers. Because peripherals more than anything are about how does it feel to you? What are you comfortable with? What will you enjoy? And then once you know what you want, what you are looking for in peripherals, then you can buy peripherals based on like reviews inside unseen. Because you know what you're looking for to be able to then judge from other people's experiences and reviews to know, oh, they liked this for XYZ reasons. Therefore it will be a good product for me. [01:05:58] Speaker C: Yep. Once you, once you find those peripherals, you just start taking Lucian in the top plane and then you're going to win the game. [01:06:07] Speaker A: Absolutely. There you go. All right, listeners, this has been episode 463 of the Four Wards podcast. I've been Jack Zoman, remic of many names for Witch at Black Mass. Have a great night. [01:06:23] Speaker C: Good night, everybody. Thanks for listening to the Four Wards Podcast. If you want to support the show directly, consider checking out our [email protected] the Four Wards podcast. And of course, send your questions to theforwardspodcastmail.com so we can answer them live on the show. That's the Four Wards podcastmail.com.

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